

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Highlights from our Spring Break Craft Night

There were bunny girls...
Creme egg warmers....
Colourful blooms and lots of happy folk... our last craft night for a while! We are taking a short break from running London's busiest & friendliest craft night - back in July.

We also told you about a Kickstarter campaign we are involved in to raise money to make a digital craft book. You can support it here and watch the video we made at The Make Escape here

But until then than you for everyone who came to our Easter special, especially out guest tutors. 
Here are some more pics...

Papercrafts workshop with Studio Boo

Knitting corner

Embroidered eggs with Louise Walker

Easter goodies

We are back at The Hackney Attic on Tuesday 28th for our 3rd Birthday celebrations. See you then!

In the meantime if you want to get hold us it's best to Tweet us @TheMakeEscape.

Thanks : )